Osteopathy Dundrum

Morning Exercise Routine

Most people will have a morning routine. Whether that is a slow cup of tea in bed, breakfast and then heading to work, or a mad dash out the door. We are creatures of habit and roughly do the same thing each morning to ease us in to the day.  Incorporating a morning exercise routine is a healthy positive way to start the day.

Why is it that lots of people recommend you consciously chose your morning routine? There is no perfect recipe, each person is different and depending on your work time, if you have kids etc. will dictate what will work best for you. 

Incorporating a morning exercise routine is a great way to get some movement before the day runs away with you. You may think of a 20 minute HITT or a 5km run when the word exercise in mentioned. This isn’t the case; a gentle 5-minute stretch or simple body weight exercises will become massively beneficial. You are more likely to continue the practice if you can reach your goal. 

Benefits of a Morning Exercise Routine 

Boost your metabolism: the higher your metabolism the more calories or energy you burn during the day. 

Help reduce distractions: if you complete your exercise in the morning you can tick it off your list. Life brings many distractions and it is so easy to make excuses. After time your routine will become the norm and these distractions won’t be so loud.  

Help you make healthier choices during the day: being able to tick off something of your list gives you a sense of accomplishment. With the release of endorphin’s, they will help alter your mindset and make you more mindful choices during the day.  

Improve your sleep: Getting up and moving helps with your hormonal balance, it will improve your circadian rhythm helping you sleep better. 

Help with weight loss: If you are more likely to do a small amount of exercise each morning you will have greater health benefits compared to an ad hock exercise routine. 

Tips to get started 

Get ready the night before. Know what exercises you want to do and for how long. Get your clothes ready, make everything as easy as possible. The less steps you have to take to complete a task the more likely you will be to do it. 

Get a workout a buddy. You may want to do it with someone, either in the same household or virtually.  

Don’t start too early, unless that is your norm. You may want to gradually get up earlier bit by bit. If you change your routine too quickly you are more likely to get tired after a few days and give up. 

Start small. Start with 5 or 10mins, just turn up. If you have small goals, you are more likely to hit them and have a feeling of accomplishment. You may do a bit more, but you don’t have to. If you do 10 mins 5 days a week that’s 50 mins of exercise a week!  

Examples of Morning  Exercise Routines. 

Strength: 30 seconds of each exercise with 30 secs rest inbetween x2 

  • Push ups (full or on your knees) 
  • Squats 
  • Lunges 
  • Plank 
  • Glute bridges 

Stretching: 1 min for each position.

  • Roll downs (slowly bring your hands down towards your feet) 
  • Hip flexors (low lunge)  
  • Glutes  
  • Pecs  
  • Quads 
  • Ribs (child pose) 
  • Cat-cow 
  • Shoulder rolls 
  • Adductor (inside of your thigh) 
  • Calfs 

A walk outside.  

If you would like to have a free video or a word document comment below or via the contact page.

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